B.A. Billy Gunn Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 5
Superstar Value: 2
Superstar Ability:
Once a turn, reveal your hand to your opponent(s). If you have no maneuvers, reveal cards from your Arsenal to all players, one at a time, until you reveal a maneuver. Put the first maneuver revealed in your hand; all other cards revealed are put back in your Arsenal and shuffled.
Shades of the Great One - SS3
Pre-match Object
Your Starting Hand Size is +1.
When this card is in your Ring area, during your turn you may put this card into your Ringside pile and your next card played this turn is -10F or your opponent’s Reversal cards to it are +10F.
(Activated Card Effect Symbol)
F: 0 D: 0
The People’s Champion Superstar Card - SS3
Starting Hand Size: 6
Superstar Value: 6
Your maneuvers cannot be reversed from your opponent’s Backlash deck.
You may pack any cards with The Rock logo, but you do not count as The Rock.
Doin’ the D-Von
Reversal: Strike / Grapple
Reverse any Strike or Grapple and end your opponent’s turn.
If played from your hand, discard your hand and draw 4 cards. If you had more than 4 cards in your hand, then draw an additional card for every card over 4 that you originally had in your hand.
Psychotic Bump
Reversal: Special
Reverse any Strike, Grapple, Submission or High Risk maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
Discard up to 2 cards. For every card less than 2 that you don’t discard, overturn 4 cards from your Arsenal into your Ringside pile.
“That Spike is a glutton for punishment, I gotta respect that!” – Tazz
Triple H’s Reverse Neck Breaker
Grapple / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, when successfully played, you may draw 1 card.
As a reversal, may reverse any Strike maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 1
F: 6 D: 6
“Game Over.” – Triple H
Chyna Interferes
Reverses any maneuver and ends your opponent’s turn.
If played from your hand, draw 2 cards.
F: 5 D: 3
“Another low blow by the Ninth Wonder of the World.” – Jim Ross