Ayatollah of Rock‘n’Roll-a
Look at your opponent’s hand and he cannot reverse maneuvers from his Arsenal for the rest of the turn.
F: 12 D: 0
“Jericho is synonymous with charisma and personality!” – Jim Ross
This is So Totally Unfair! - SS3
Reversal: Special
When your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating, reverse any maneuver and end his turn. You may draw 1 card.
F: 0 D: 0
Kamikaze Headbutt - SS3
High Risk
Can only be played after a successfully played 5D or greater maneuver.
Cannot be reversed.
When successfully played, overturn 2 cards.
F: 8 D: 15
I’m The Biggest Dog on This Block!
Pre-match Feud
Can only be played if your opponent is Steve Austin, Triple H, Kane, Mankind / Cactus Jack or Ric Flair.
Your Superstar Ability now reads as “Once during your turn, you may discard 1 card to your Ringside pile and then take 1 card from your Ringside pile and put it into your hand.”