Christian's Shades (B)
Pre-match Object
When this card is in your Ring area, you may place it in your Ringside pile to reverse any Action card played by your opponent. Draw 1 card and end your opponent’s turn.
F: 0 D: 0
Greetings to Our Fans In… Where the Hell Are We?
Draw up to 4 cards, then shuffle any 1 card from your Ringside pile into your Arsenal.
“We have always loved the great city of, um, … this town.” – Edge
Christian Superstar Card - SS2
Starting Hand Size: 4
Superstar Value: 1
Superstar Ability:
Blank non-Stun-Value card-drawing effects on cards played from your opponent’s hand.
Kazoo Theme Songs
Take X cards from your Ringside pile, where X is equal to twice your opponent’s total Star Value and shuffle them into your Arsenal.
F: 5 D: 0
“Sometimes love… sounds like a fight - it’s sounds like an argument – it sounds just like a… Crippler Crossface!” – alternate unused Chris Benoit theme song
Christian Superstar Card
Cancel any card drawing effect from a card played from an opponent's hand. This ability does not effect Stun Value card draw effects.
Christian's Shades (A)