Taunt the Fans
Pre-match Event: Heel
At the end of the Pre-match phase, you may search your Arsenal for 1 non-unique card, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, shuffle your Arsenal, and randomly discard 1 card.
F: 0 D: 0
There Are Two Things You Can Do: Nothing, and Like It.
Reversal: Action
Reverse any Action card and end your opponent’s turn.
Your opponent may draw up to # cards, where # is equal to the reversed Action’s printed Fortitude Value.
F: 5 D: 0
“Send him back to Badstreet, USA!” – guest commentator Michael “P.S.” Hayes
Throw Into the Corner Turnbuckle
Action: Set-up / Reversal: Special
As an action, if your next card played this turn is a Strike it is +6D or if it is a Grapple your opponent’s reversal will be +12F.
As a reversal, may only reverse the card titled Throw Into the Corner Turnbuckle. Opponent must discard 1 card. You end your opponent's turn; and if your next card played on your turn is a Strike it is +6D or if it is a Grapple your opponent’s reversal will be +12F.
F: 6 D: 0
Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam
Grapple / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, can only be played after the card titled Irish Whip or Gut Wrench. Can only be reversed by unique Reversal cards or by Reversal cards that specifically reverse a maneuver if that maneuver is played after the card titled Irish Whip.
As a reversal, reverse any maneuver played after the card titled Irish Whip and end your opponent’s turn.
F: 13 D: 12
Trailer Park Trash!
Action: Heel
You may put 1 non-unique card from your Ringside pile into your hand. Your opponent may put 1 non-unique card from his Ringside pile into his hand.
When this card is in your Ring area, ignore the word “face” in the text of the cards titled Kissing Up to the Stinkin’ Fans.
Trash Talkin’ Interview
When this card is in your Ring area, you may place it in your Ringside pile as a Mid-match Action and choose any 4 cards in your Ringside pile and shuffle them back into your Arsenal.
Turn the Match into a Pier Six Brawl
When played by Rikishi or X-Pac, this card is -4F.
Draw 1 card.
When this card is in your Ring area, your Strike maneuvers are +2D.
Turn the Tide
Action: Face
Playable only if your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating. Your next maneuver this turn, can be played as if you have your opponent’s Fortitude Rating and it cannot be reversed.
“He’s tougher than a two-dollar steak!” – Jim Ross
Turn Up the Heat
Mid-match Action
You must discard a Reversal card from your hand. If your next card played this turn is a Maneuver card of 5D or less, it cannot be reversed. After you play your next card this turn and apply damage, end your turn.
Underrated Superstar
Pre-match Event
At the end of the Pre-match phase, if your Superstar Value is 2 or less, draw 3 cards and add them to your starting hand. If your Superstar Value is the same as or higher than any other player, you must then discard 1 card of your choice. This card cannot be played by Tazz.
Well-Deserved Push
Can only be played if your Superstar Value is 2 or less.
Shuffle up to 4 cards from your Ringside pile into your Arsenal or put 1 Mid-match card from your Ringside pile into your Backlash deck.
F: 3 D: 0
“… going far in this business.” – Jim Ross
When You Thought You Had All the Answers...
Mid-match Reversal: Trademark Finisher
Cannot be played if your Trademark Finisher is in your Ring area. May reverse any Trademark Finisher, EVEN if it cannot be reversed. (Yeap!) Your opponent must shuffle the Trademark Finisher back into his Arsenal and may draw 1 card. End your opponent’s turn.
Who Booked This Match?
Can only be played if your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating.
Draw 2 cards or your opponent discards 2 cards.
F: 2 D: 0
“You’re facing the Brooklyn Brawler tonight. Any thoughts on that?” – Kevin Kelly
Within Your Grasp
If reversed from your opponent’s hand, he discards 2 cards.
When successfully played, you may put 1 Action card from your opponent’s Ring area into his Ringside pile.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 0 D: 1
“Once he gets a hold of him I think we’ll see some wrestling.” – Jim Ross