Eddie Guerrero Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 7
Superstar Value: 1
Superstar Ability:
Each turn, the very first High Risk Maneuver you play in a turn cannot be reversed.
Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special
When successfully played, +2D if played after a Strike maneuver.
May only reverse the maneuver titled Back Body Drop.
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 25
“It’s over! You don’t get up from that!” – Jim Ross
Triple H Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 10
Superstar Value: 3
None, isn't the starting hand size enough!
He is “The Game” after all!
Unleash Hell
When your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating, this card is -13F.
Put up to 5 cards from your hand on top of your Arsenal, shuffle up to double that many cards from your Ringside pile into your Arsenal, and then draw the same number of cards you shuffled into your Arsenal.
F: 16 D: 0