Your Freaking Hero Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 8
Superstar Value: 5
Superstar Ability:
When you successfully play a Chain card, you may draw 1 card. You may pack any cards with the Kurt Angle logo, but you do not count as Kurt Angle. Your card titled It’s True! It’s True! is not a Face card or a Heel card.
Christian Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 4
Superstar Value: 1
Cancel any card drawing effect from a card played from an opponent's hand. This ability does not effect Stun Value card draw effects.
I’ll Make You Tap - SS3
Search your Arsenal for 1 non-unique Submission maneuver, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal. You may put 1 Mid-match card from his Ring area into his Ringside pile or if your next card played this turn is a Submission maneuver, it cannot be reversed.
F: 5 D: 0
Your Freaking Hero Superstar Card - SS3
When you successfully play a Chain card, you may draw 1 card.
You may pack any cards with the Kurt Angle logo, but you do not count as Kurt Angle.
Your card titled It’s True! It’s True! is not a Face card or a Heel card.
I Ain’t Not No Sucka Neitha!
Reversal: Special
Reverse any non-Trademark-Finisher maneuver and end your opponent’s turn. The first card you play on your next turn cannot be reversed.
RAW logo
F: 10 D: 0
“That’s not my a%$-cream – it’s his!” – Christian