Raven Effect DDT
Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special
Can only be played after a successfully played maneuver, or if this is the first card played on your turn after having reversed a maneuver from your hand to end your opponent’s last turn.
As a reversal, if played from your hand, can reverse any Grapple maneuver or the card titled Back Body Drop, but you must first discard 1 card. End opponent’s turn.
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 25
“… The End.” — Raven
Pre-match Event
As a Mid-match Action place this card into your Ringside pile. If your next card played from your hand this turn is a Strike or Grapple it is +5D.
If opponent does not reverse this maneuver from his hand, you may draw up to 3 cards.
F: 0 D: 0
Lionsault - ESPAÑOL
High Risk
Puede sólo ser jugada después de una maniobra de 4D o superior.
Cuando es exitosamente jugada, el oponente debe descartar 1 carta de su mano.
SV: 2
F: 6 D: 12
“Su oponente está caído, Jericho. Corre, salta, haz un trampolín y, ¡Oh Dios!” – Jim Ross
Power of Darkness - ESPAÑOL
+5D a todas tus maniobras y +20F a todas las reversal de tu oponente por el resto del turno.
F: 12 D: 0
“¡Oh Dios, se han apagado las luces en la arena!” – Jim Ross