Kurt Angle Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 6
Superstar Value: 3
Superstar Ability:
Your Kurt Angle Arsenal may contain both FACE and HEEL cards.
Angle Lock
Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, add +5D for every card titled Ankle Lock in your Ring area. You may play the card titled Maintain Hold after this card.
As a reversal, can reverse any maneuver card with the word “kick” in the title or any Submission maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 15
“WOOOO, it’s true, you just lost your title, again! – Kurt Angle
Submit! - SS3
Action: Set-up
Put 1 Submission Maneuver card from your Ringside pile into your hand and search your Arsenal for the card titled Maintain Hold, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal.
SmackDown! logo
F: 4 D: 0
“He’s pulling down the straps, Cole, it’s almost over!” – Tazz