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Your Freaking Hero or John Cena?


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Your Freaking Hero or John Cena?
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Your Freaking Hero or John Cena?


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Your Freaking Hero or John Cena?

SmackDown! Enforcer

Can only be revealed if your Superstar card says you can reveal an Enforcer card.

• Starting Hand Size: +7

Superstar Value: +5

Superstar Ability: + When you successfully play a Chain card, you may draw 1 card.

• Starting Hand Size: +9

Superstar Value: +4

Superstar Ability: + When you successfully play a maneuver from your hand, you may discard 1 card and then your opponent randomly discards 3 cards from his Backlash deck.

Información Extra

  • Número de carta: 133/198
  • Rareza: Starter Deck Exclusive
  • Edición: Unforgiven


  • Condición: LP

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