Kane’s Return!
Reversal: Special
Reverse any maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
If played from your hand, take the top 4 cards from your Arsenal and put them in your Ringside pile; next turn, all your maneuvers are +2D, and all opponents reversals are +15F.
F: 10 D: 0
“Wait a minute … He’s back!” – Jim Ross
Hellfire Chokeslam (TB) - SS3
Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special
As a reversal, reverse the card titled Back Body Drop or any card with the word “slam” in the title and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 25
Big Freak'n Machine Superstar Card - SS3
Starting Hand Size: 8
Superstar Value: 3
Superstar Ability:
Your first 2 non-Pre-match non-Reversal cards played of the game can only be reversed from your opponent’s Backlash deck and Arsenal.
You may pack any cards with the Kane logo, but you do not count as Kane.
My Path is Chosen
Search your Arsenal for 2 non-unique Maneuver cards, reveal them to your opponent, put them into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal.
RAW logo
“He’s up to something, J.R.! AH! I’m scared!” … “What’s the matter, King, no ‘puppies’ in the ring…?” – Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross