The People's Champ, The Big Freak'n Machine, or The Game? - SS3
The People’s Champ, The Big Freak’n Machine,…or The Game? - SS3
WWE Enforcer
Can only be revealed if your Superstar card says you can reveal an Enforcer card. Can be revealed by any GM Superstar.
• Starting Hand Size: +6
Superstar Value: +6
Superstar Ability: + Your maneuvers cannot be reversed from your opponent’s Backlash deck.
• Starting Hand Size: +5
Superstar Value: +3
Superstar Ability: + Your first non-Pre-match non-Reversal card played of the game can only be reversed from your opponent’s Backlash deck and Arsenal.
• Starting Hand Size: +7
Superstar Value: +5
Superstar Ability: + At the start of your turn, before your Draw Segment, look at the top 3 cards of your Arsenal and put them back in any order.
Información Extra
- Número de carta: 571/643
- Rareza: Rumble Pack Exclusive
- Edición: Survivor Series 3