Kamikaze Headbutt - SS3
High Risk
Can only be played after a successfully played 5D or greater maneuver.
Cannot be reversed.
When successfully played, overturn 2 cards.
F: 8 D: 15
Triple H’s Reverse Neck Breaker
Grapple / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, when successfully played, you may draw 1 card.
As a reversal, may reverse any Strike maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 1
F: 6 D: 6
“Game Over.” – Triple H
Suicide Dive
This card is -2F when you have a card in your Ring area with the Raw logo.
Can only be played after a successfully played card.
When successfully played, overturn 1 card.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 7 D: 8
“Ooh, Ahh!!!” — WWE audience