Back Breaker Torture Rack
Grapple / Submission
Can only be played if your Fortitude Rating is greater than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating.
When successfully played, after you have applied damage, end your turn.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
SV: 3
F: 17 D: 13
“They don’t call him ‘The Next Big Thing’ for nothin’!” – Jim Ross
Samoan Drop
When successfully played, opponent must discard 1 card.
F: 0 D: 4
“Can you hear the air rushing out of him?” – Michael Cole
Figure Four Leg Lock
SV: 1
F: 19 D: 12
“The pressure on your knee with this is unbearable – I know!” – Jim Ross
Sidewalk Slam
Grapple / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, you may search your Arsenal for a High Risk maneuver, put it in your hand, then shuffle your Arsenal.
As a reversal, can only reverse the card titled Irish Whip or Throw Into the Corner Turnbuckle. End your opponent’s turn.
F: 10 D: 6
Sit Out Powerbomb
F: 3 D: 6
“Dropped him like a load of bricks, flat on his back!” – Jim Ross
Discus Punch
Reversals to this card are +2D.
F: 7 D: 9
“Ow! Is that legal?” – Jerry “The King” Lawler