Girly Punch
Can only be packed by a Female Superstar.
Can only be reversed by reversals of printed D: 0. Your opponent cannot play the card titled Over Sell Maneuver immediately after you play this card.
F: 0 D: 2
“Catfight!” – Jerry “The King” Lawler
Grab the Ref
Mid-match Action / Reversal: Special: Heel
As a reversal, can only be played when an effect your opponent controls is modifying your Reversal cards. Your Reversal cards are unaffected by Fortitude modification for the rest of the turn.
When this card is in your Ring area, when your opponent plays a Reversal card, you may draw 1 card and then discard 1 card.
F: 0 D: 0
Gut Wrench
Action: Set-up / Reversal: Special
As an action, put 1 Grapple maneuver from your Ringside pile into your hand. If your next card played this turn is a Grapple maneuver, your opponent’s Reversal card to it is +10F.
As a reversal, reverse the card titled Gut Wrench and end your opponent’s turn. He discards 1 card. At the beginning of your next turn, your first card played is considered to be played after the card titled Gut Wrench. If it is a Grapple maneuver, his Reversal card to it is +15F.
F: 8 D: 0
Submission: Heat
F: 3 D: 6
Reversal: Special: Heat
Can only be played from your Ringside pile when you have at least 5 other Heat cards in your Ringside pile.
When played from your Ringside pile, reverse any non-unique maneuver of 10D or less and end your opponent's turn. Unless you are Al Snow, remove all Action cards in your Ring area and Ringside pile from the game.
F: 3 D: 2
Hellfire Chokeslam (TB) - SS3
Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special
As a reversal, reverse the card titled Back Body Drop or any card with the word “slam” in the title and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 3
F: 30 D: 25
Hold the Phone!
Reversal: Special
Reverse any Hybrid card and end your opponent’s turn.
F: 2 D: 0
I Already Warned You
Can only be played from your Ringside pile.
When played from your Ringside pile and when your Fortitude Rating is equal to or less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating, reverse any Action card if it is not the first Action card played this turn or reverse any card if it is not the first or second card played this turn and end his turn.