When successfully played, you must take the top card of your Arsenal and put it into your Ringside pile.
Opponent must discard 2 cards.
SV: 1
F: 11 D: 9
“This one never gets old…” – Jim Ross
Deluding Yourself
Action: Heel
Draw 4 cards. At end of turn, discard your hand.
F: 8 D: 0
“And the proud will be humbled, King!” – Jim Ross
Discus Punch
Reversals to this card are +2D.
F: 7 D: 9
“Ow! Is that legal?” – Jerry “The King” Lawler
Reversal: Special: Face
Reverse any HEEL maneuver or HEEL reversal card if that opponent has 5 or more HEEL cards in his Ring area.
Opponent is Disqualified and you win the game. This effect happens even if the card titled Disqualification! is placed into your Ringside pile while applying damage from a HEEL maneuver or reversal card.
F: 10 D: 0
“It’s about time!” – Jim Ross
If your next card played this turn is a maneuver, it cannot be reversed.
F: 17 D: 0
“What the heck is going on here, that’s grounds for disqualification!” – Jim Ross
Double Leg Takedown
When successfully played, you may draw 1 card.
F: 0 D: 3
“It will knock the wind out of your sails.” – Michael Cole
Ego Boost
Your next card played this turn is -5F.
If an effect your opponent controls forces you to discard a card and you discard this card, draw up to 2 cards.
F: 0 D: 0
Elbow to the Face
Reversal: Special
Reverse any maneuver of 7D or less and end your opponent’s turn.
F: 0 D: 2
Escape Move
Reversal: Grapple
Reverse any Grapple maneuver and end your opponent’s turn.
Figure Four Leg Lock
When successfully played, opponent must discard 1 card.
F: 19 D: 12
“The pressure on your knee with this is unbearable – I know!” – Jim Ross
Fisherman’s Suplex
When successfully played, overturn 1 card and you may draw 1 card.
F: 10 D: 10
“He’s locked and loaded!” – Jim Ross
Get Crowd Support
Action: Face
Draw 1 card.
Your next maneuver played this turn is +4D and your opponent’s Reversal card to it is +12F.
“He’s rallying them behind him!” – Jim Ross
Guillotine Stretch
When successfully played, opponent must discard 1 card and you may draw 1 card.
F: 12 D: 8
“I don’t envy that man, he’ll never stand straight again.” – Jim Ross
Head Butt
When successfully played, discard 1 card of your choice from your hand.
F: 0 D: 4
“That’s using his head!” – Jerry “The King” Lawler
Headlock Takedown
When successfully played, opponent must draw 1 card.
F: 0 D: 5
“Great amateur move!” – Jim Ross
Hellfire & Brimstone
All players discard all cards from their hands. Your opponent places the top 5 cards of his Arsenal into his Ringside pile.
F: 6 D: 0
“Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!” – Jim Ross