Short Arm Rib Breaker
Strike / Submission
Cannot be packed by Female Superstars.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 5 D: 5
Edge’s Running Spear
Strike + Strike / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, this is card is -30F.
As a reversal, reverse any card and end your opponent’s turn.
SV: 1
F: 40 D: 10
Back Breaker Torture Rack
Grapple / Submission
Can only be played if your Fortitude Rating is greater than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating.
When successfully played, after you have applied damage, end your turn.
SV: 3
F: 17 D: 13
“They don’t call him ‘The Next Big Thing’ for nothin’!” – Jim Ross
Shoot Lock-up
Submission + Submission
When your opponent is a GM or Legend Superstar, this card is -9F.
When your Fortitude Rating is at least 5 less than his Fortitude Rating, this card can only be reversed from his Arsenal.
F: 9 D: 8