Super Hold
When your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating, this card is -7F.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 7 D: 7
“What on earth is this?” … “Ain’t it obvious, Cole?” – Michael Cole & Tazz
Cannot be reversed from your opponent’s hand.
Search your opponent’s Arsenal for any 1 card and put it into his Ringside pile, then shuffle his Arsenal.
F: 14 D: 5
“He’s got him on his knees!” – Jim Ross
Blindside Choke
You may play this card from your Ringside pile.
When played from your Ringside pile, remove all Maneuver cards in your Ringside pile from the game.
F: 6 D: 8
Rolling Headlock Vise
Grapple / Submission
Cannot be packed by Female Superstars.
F: 5 D: 5
Pump Kick
Cannot be played by the Brothers of Destruction.
Cannot be reversed from your opponent’s hand if this is the first non-Pre-match card played of the game.
SV: 1
F: 0 D: 4
“He’s outta the gate, and stompin’ a mud hole in ‘em!” – Jim Ross
Atomic Lariat
Can only be reversed by hybrid or unique Reversal cards.
F: 6 D: 6
“And another lariat! When will this stop?” – Jim Ross