Big Splash in the Corner
High Risk
Must be played after the card titled Throw Into the Corner Turnbuckle.
Reversals to this card are +2D.
When successfully played, your opponent discards 1 card.
SV: 1
F: 8 D: 10
Flying Body Press
Can only be played after a successfully played 5D or greater maneuver.
If reversed from your opponent’s hand, discard 3 cards.
F: 7 D: 12
“Extremely high risk maneuver on his part but it has turned this match completely around!” – Jim Ross
Shoulder Block
Strike / Reversal: Special
As a reversal, reverse any maneuver played after the card titled Irish Whip and end your opponent’s turn.
F: 0 D: 3
“It’s like hittin’ a brick wall!” – Jim Ross
Within Your Grasp
If reversed from your opponent’s hand, he discards 2 cards.
When successfully played, you may put 1 Action card from your opponent’s Ring area into his Ringside pile.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 0 D: 1
“Once he gets a hold of him I think we’ll see some wrestling.” – Jim Ross
Face-buster Suplex
When successfully played, you may put 1 High Risk maneuver card from your Ringside pile into your hand and then put 1 card from your hand on top of your Arsenal.
SV: 2
F: 11 D: 9
““In other words, FACEPLANT! Looks like he’s had a few too many already, ha, ha!” – Jerry “The King” Lawler
Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam
Grapple / Reversal: Special
As a maneuver, can only be played after the card titled Irish Whip or Gut Wrench. Can only be reversed by unique Reversal cards or by Reversal cards that specifically reverse a maneuver if that maneuver is played after the card titled Irish Whip.
F: 13 D: 12
Ankle Lock
F: 0 D: 2
“He’s gonna tap! He’s done!” – Jim Ross
Trash Can
Strike: Foreign Object
When the card titled Trash Can is in the Ring, once per turn, any player on his turn may discard a card to “use” the Trash Can. For each “use” Trash Can may be reversed as usual.
If reversed, put it into owner’s Ringside pile. In the event there is more than one Trash Can in the Ring, declare the one you are using; each can be used only once per turn.
F: 5 D: 7
Neck Breaker
As a reversal, may reverse the card titled Back Body Drop.
When successfully played, your opponent must discard 1 card, and if played against Stone Cold Steve Austin, look at his hand.
F: 5 D: 8
“He might’ve just broken his neck!” – Michael Cole
Garbage Can Lid
Strike: Foreign Object / Reversal: Special
As a reversal, if this card is in your Ring area, you may place it in your Ringside pile to reverse any Strike or Grapple maneuver. Opponent must put the top 3 cards of his Arsenal into his Ringside pile. End opponent's turn.
F: 10 D: 6
“He’s got great street smarts.” – Tazz
Chair Shot
Strike: Foreign Object: Heel
F: 10 D: 10
Running Clothesline
If played after the card titled Irish Whip, may only be reversed by an opponent’s reversal card overturned while applying damage.
Add 1D for every maneuver with the word “Clothesline” in the title in your Ring area.
F: 15 D: 10
“He almost took his fool head clean off!” – Jim Ross
Double Underhook Suplex
If played by Tazz, this maneuver is -1F.
“Another suplex variation!” – Michael Cole
Fisherman’s Suplex
When successfully played, overturn 1 card and you may draw 1 card.
“He’s locked and loaded!” – Jim Ross
Clutch onto Opponent
May only be reversed by the card titled Clean Break.
The card titled Maintain Hold cannot be played after this card.
“If only he could keep this going, somehow maintain this hold, he’d win for sure!” – Kevin Kelly
Gut Punch
When successfully played, you may discard up to 3 cards. Choose an equal number of non-maneuver cards in your opponent’s Ring area and place them into his Ringside pile.
F: 7 D: 5
“I seem to hear a tremendous sucking sound, where’s that coming from?” — Jerry “The King” Lawler