Victory Roll
Mid-match Grapple: Face
Can only be played after a successfully played 5D or greater maneuver.
Can only be reversed from your opponent’s hand.
When successfully played, you win the game via Pinfall Victory.
(Restricted Modification Symbol)
F: 30 D: 0
Panic Throw
Mid-Match Grapple
Can only be played when your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating. Can only be played with a printed F:0 Strike maneuver of printed 3D or less from your hand. He cannot play the card titled Over Sell Maneuver immediately after you play these cards.
Unless both maneuvers are reversed when played, both are considered successfully played and both go into your Ring area. Unless both cards are reversed, your turn continues.
F: 0 D: 3
Double Underhook Power Bomb
Grapple: Heat
SV: 1
F: 4 D: 7
Leaping DDT
Grapple: Chain
When this card is in your Ringside pile, if you successfully play a maneuver, you may put this card on the bottom of your Arsenal.
F: 8 D: 10