The Wolverine's Sharpshooter
The Wolverine’s Sharpshooter
Submission / Action
As a maneuver, put up to 2 cards from your opponent’s Ring area into his Ringside pile and then search your Arsenal for the card titled Maintain Hold, reveal it to him, put it into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal.
As an action, this card is -16F and -14D, shuffle this card into your Arsenal and draw 1 card.
When successfully played by Chris Benoit, you may then put up to 2 cards from your Ringside pile on the bottom of your Arsenal.
SV: 1
F: 16 D: 14
Información Extra
- Número de carta: 166/198
- Rareza: Premium Rare
- Edición: Unforgiven
- Superstar: Chris Benoit