The Mystery Wrestler Superstar Card
The Mystery Wrestler Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 1+
Superstar Value: 3+
Superstar Ability:
You may reveal the Mankind, Cactus Jack, or…Dude Love? Enforcer from your Backstage area and choose 1 Enforcer. If you do not reveal, your Starting Hand Size is +8.
When you have an Enforcer revealed, once during each of your turns, you may discard 3 cards and then choose 1 different Enforcer.
Your Arsenal may only contain 50 cards. You may pack up to 5 Mankind, Cactus Jack, or Dude Love Superstar specific cards that do not have The Mystery Wrestler Superstar logo: 1 Action, 1 Reversal, 1 Maneuver, 1 Pre-match, and 1 Mid-match.
Información Extra
- Número de carta: 112/181
- Rareza: Starter Deck Exclusive
- Edición: Vengeance
- Superstar: The Mystery Wrestler