The Largest Athlete in Sports Entertainment Superstar Card
The Largest Athlete in Sports Entertainment Superstar Card
Starting Hand Size: 6
Superstar Value: 4
Superstar Ability:
You cannot pack High Risk maneuvers.
Your non-unique non-Multi maneuvers played from your hand are F:0.
When you successfully play a maneuver and damage has been applied, end your turn.
When you end your turn without playing a maneuver from your hand, your opponent may put 1 card in your Ring area into your Ringside pile.
You may pack any cards with the Big Show logo, but you do not count as that Superstar.
Información Extra
- Número de carta: 98/172
- Rareza: Starter Deck Exclusive
- Edición: No Way Out
- Superstar: The Largest Athlete in Sports Entertainment