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The Hurri-Friends Superstar Card


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The Hurri-Friends Superstar Card
Comic Images

The Hurri-Friends Superstar Card


Disponibilidad: 1
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The Hurri-Friends Superstar Card

Starting Hand Size: 3

Superstar Value: 5

Tag Team Superstar Ability:

When you successfully play a maneuver, you may discard 1 Unique card and then search your Arsenal for 1 Superstar-specific card or the card titled Diversion, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your Arsenal.

Once during each turn, when you successfully play a Superstar-specific card or the card titled Diversion, put up to 2 cards from your Ringside pile on the bottom of your Arsenal.

You can pack any cards with the Hurricane logo or Stacy Keibler logo, but you do not count as those Superstars.

Información Extra


  • Condición: LP

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