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Superplex (TB)


Disponibilidad: 2
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Superplex (TB)
Comic Images

Superplex (TB)


Disponibilidad: 2
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Superplex (TB)

High Risk / Reversal: Special

As a maneuver, can only be played after a successfully played 8D or greater maneuver or the card titled Throw Into the Corner Turnbuckle. Can only be reversed from your opponent’s hand by the card titled Hold the Phone! or Superplex, otherwise, can only be reversed from his Arsenal.

As a reversal, reverse the card titled Superplex or any maneuver played after the card titled From the Tope Rope or From the Middle Turnbuckle and end your opponent’s turn.

SV: 2

F: 15 D: 15

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  • Condición: LP

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