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Ric Flair Superstar Card - SS2
Ric Flair Superstar Card - SS2
Starting Hand Size: 4
Superstar Value: 4
Superstar Ability:
Once during each of your turns, you may discard 1 card and then put 1 card from your opponent’s Ring area into his Ringside pile. If the card removed is a maneuver of 0F, your opponent may shuffle it into his Arsenal. If you have 4 or more Ric Flair Superstar-specific cards in your Ring area, your cards titled Figure Four Leglock are considered Trademark Finishers instead of Submission maneuvers.
Información Extra
- Número de carta: 090/383
- Rareza: Premium Rare
- Edición: Survivor Series 2
- Superstar: Ric Flair
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