Comic Images

Puppy Love


Disponibilidad: 14
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Puppy Love
Comic Images

Puppy Love


Disponibilidad: 14
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Puppy Love


Can only be packed by a Female Superstar.

Put any number of cards titled Puppies! Puppies! from your hand under this card, and then search your Arsenal for any number of those cards, reveal them to your opponent, put them under this card, and shuffle your Arsenal.

When this card is in your Ring area, once during each of your turns you may remove this card from the game or put 1 card from under this card into your Ringside pile and your next card played this turn is -10F.

If this card is removed from your Ring area, put all cards under it into your Ringside pile.


F: 4 D: 0

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  • Condición: LP

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