Comic Images

Pump Up the Crowd


Pump Up the Crowd

Action: Face

Can only be played if you are an inactive member of your team and if your Fortitude Rating is less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating.

The active member of your team puts 1 card from his Ringside pile into his hand or shuffles up to 3 cards from his Ringside pile into his Arsenal.

When this card is in your Ring area, you may put this card into your Ringside pile and if your next card played this turn is an Action card, it cannot be reversed.

(Tag Team Only Symbol)

F: 0 D: 0

Información Extra

  • Número de carta: 26/150
  • Rareza: Common
  • Edición: Insurrextion
Stock: 5 ¡Últimas unidades!


$160 $200

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