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Lita-sault - SS2


Lita-sault - SS2

Trademark Finisher / Reversal: Special

As a maneuver, can only be played after a successfully played 4D or greater maneuver. This card is +3D for each card with the word “Hurricanrana” or “Moonsault” in the title in your Ring area.

As a reversal, reverse the card titled From the Top Rope and end your opponent’s turn.


SV: 2

F: 20 D: 12

“Take it to the extreme!” – Matt Hardy

Información Extra

  • Número de carta: 91/383
  • Rareza: Ultra Rare
  • Edición: Survivor Series 2
  • Superstar: Lita
Stock: 0 ¡Últimas unidades!


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