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Listen Up, Junior: Don't Be an A%$-clown! - SS3


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Listen Up, Junior: Don't Be an A%$-clown! - SS3
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Listen Up, Junior: Don't Be an A%$-clown! - SS3


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Listen Up, Junior: Don’t Be an A%$-clown! - SS3

Mid-match Action

When this card is in your Ring area, the maximum number of Mid-match cards you may have in your Ring area is increased by 3. During your opponent’s turn, he may discard 3 cards and then put this card into your Ringside pile.

When this card is in your Ringside pile, during your turn you may discard 3 cards and then put this card into your Backlash deck.


F: 4 D: 0

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  • Condición: NM

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