Comic Images

Hold On! It's Not Time to Show Yet!


Disponibilidad: 4
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Hold On! It's Not Time to Show Yet!
Comic Images

Hold On! It's Not Time to Show Yet!


Disponibilidad: 4
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Hold On! It’s Not Time to Show Yet!

Mid-match Action

Can only be played if it is before your Draw Segment on the first turn of the game AND if your opponent has the card titled It’s Showtime! in his Ring area.

If your opponent’s hand size is greater than your hand size, draw up to 3 cards. On your opponent’s next turn, he cannot play any non-maneuver cards with the words “cannot be reversed” in the text.


F: 0 D: 0

Información Extra

  • Número de carta: 71/150
  • Rareza: Uncommon
  • Edición: Velocity


  • Condición: MP

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