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Back to Basics


Back to Basics

Pre-match Feud

You can only play Pre-match cards with the words “old school” in the title.

Your opponent cannot play the card titled Hell in a Cell Match.

Search your Arsenal for 1 of each of the cards titled Arm Bar, Arm Bar Takedown, Arm Drag, Atomic Drop, Belly to Back Suplex, Belly to Belly Suplex, Body Slam, Chop, Clothesline, Collar & Elbow Lockup, Drop Kick, Haymaker, Head Butt, Hip Toss, Press Slam, Punch, Roundhouse Punch, Russian Leg Sweep, Snap Mare, Vertical Suplex, Wrist Lock, Backhand Slap, Drop Toe Hold, Elbow Drop, Foot Stomp, and Hammerlock, reveal them to your opponent, and put them under this card. You may play these cards as if they were in your hand. Your opponent searches your Arsenal and Backlash deck. If he finds any non-Superstar-specific Maneuver cards, you lose the game via Pinfall Victory. Shuffle your Arsenal.


(Restricted Modification Symbol)

F: 0 D: 0

Información Extra

  • Número de carta: 64/172
  • Rareza: Uncommon
  • Edición: Divas Overload
Stock: 0 ¡Últimas unidades!


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