Change in Programming Lineup
Mid-match Action: Heat
All players shuffle their hand into their Arsenal and then draw the same number of cards they had.
When this card is in your Ring area or Ringside pile, during your turn, you may put this card into your Backlash deck or Ringside pile and then end your turn.
(Activated Card Effect Symbol)
F: 0 D: 0
Sucker Punch
Strike: Heat
When played, randomly discard cards from your Backlash deck until you discard a Mid-match card.
F: 0 D: 8
Reversal: Special: Heat
Can only be played from your Ringside pile when you have at least 5 other Heat cards in your Ringside pile.
When played from your Ringside pile, reverse any non-unique maneuver of 10D or less and end your opponent's turn. Unless you are Al Snow, remove all Action cards in your Ring area and Ringside pile from the game.
F: 3 D: 2
I Already Warned You
Can only be played from your Ringside pile.
When played from your Ringside pile and when your Fortitude Rating is equal to or less than your opponent’s Fortitude Rating, reverse any Action card if it is not the first Action card played this turn or reverse any card if it is not the first or second card played this turn and end his turn.
Double Underhook Power Bomb
Grapple: Heat
SV: 1
F: 4 D: 7